Important Notice

CAPALEX will be closing for the Chrismas Holidays 3:30pm Friday 20th December & our Sales Office will be reopening 9:00am 2nd January 2025.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the CAPALEX TEAM!

Aluminium Metal Glossary

Water Staining

A residue left on aluminium that has been wet and allowed to dry naturally. This is very difficult to remove and cannot be improved by polishing or anodising.

Work Hardening, Strain Hardening

The increase in strength and hardness with a general loss of ductility that results from cold working of a work-piece.

Related terms: Cold Working

Wrought Product

A product made by hot, or hot and cold, plastic deformation by the rolling, extruding or forging of a cast product.

How can we help?
Do you have a design query or need extrusion advice?
Contact us today to see how Capalex can help
solve your challenges.
Contact us
Capital Aluminium Extrusions Limited
Cleator Moor, Cumbria,