Important Notice

CAPALEX will be closing for the Chrismas Holidays 3:30pm Friday 20th December & our Sales Office will be reopening 9:00am 2nd January 2025.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the CAPALEX TEAM!

Copper Metal Glossary

Work Hardening

The process of increasing the strength and hardness of a metal or alloy by cold deformation e.g. cold rolling, deep drawing, cold forging, hammering or cold extrusion. Work-hardening is sometimes referred to as 'cold work'.

Wrought Product

A product that has shaped, after casting, by either hot or cold deformation such as rolling, forging or extrusion.

How can we help?
Do you have a design query or need extrusion advice?
Contact us today to see how Capalex can help
solve your challenges.
Contact us
Capital Aluminium Extrusions Limited
Cleator Moor, Cumbria,